M-F: 8:30AM TO 4PM

Preparing Your Pool For Cold Weather

Follow These Pool Care Tips
When winter storms and cold snaps are in the forecast, most pools today have a system called freeze protection that will kick in when the temperatures get around 36 degrees.
In our Austin, Texas area the best thing you can do for your pool on a cold day is keep the pool on and move the water, which is what your freeze protection will do for you.
Pools in our area are not “closed” for the winter. The best thing you can do is keep it running during cold temperatures.
Freeze protection overrides your programming and will run your equipment outside of your normal scheduled times.
Freeze protection can run multiple pumps and/or features. You might notice a water feature or multiple pumps that are not normally running may be on when the freeze protection is active.
The freeze protection comes on when the temperature at your equipment reaches the set low temperature threshold. The location of your equipment area can affect when this turns on, i.e. sunny or shaded.
If your equipment runs unscheduled in the middle of the night, it is most likely your freeze protection kicking in.
Your pool water is warmer than the ambient air and will take several days to cool to dangerous levels. Which is why utilizing freeze protection in most situations will keep your equipment safe.
If you do not have freeze protection on your equipment, you can run your system continuously 24/7 until the temperature is warmer. To make it easier next time, contact us about upgrading to a system with freeze protection.
Note that February 2021 was an extreme winter event that was an extended period of cold temperatures in conjunction with extended power outages. Most systems would have been fine if not for the power outages, even in the extreme temperatures that we had.
Important: These instructions are for pool owners in our local Austin, Texas area where our winters are mild. If a power outage occurs during extreme weather conditions, your equipment can be in jeopardy. If the weather is more severe or if you are without power please see the below link for more extreme conditions.
Prepare Your Pool for Severe Weather with NO POWER
Please refer to this guide by Pentair if you find yourself with no power and severe temperatures